LinPlug SaxLab 2 VSTi v2.1.1 x86/x64

LinPlug SaxLab 2 VSTi v2.1.1 x86/x64
LinPlug SaxLab 2 VSTi v2.1.1 x86/x64
TEAM ASSiGN | 07 JULY 2011 | 353MB
SaxLab 2 Saxophone Synthesizer is the result of many years of investigation and programming. It uses not one technology but a very carefully balanced mixture of various techniques to obtain the most realistic sax sound you can get from a virtual instrument. Authenticity, Expression and Variation is a must to obtain believable sax sounds.

Key features include an easy-to-use interface, a wide range of high-quality soundsets for bass, baritone, tenor, alto and soprano saxophone. An effects section that includes a specialized chorus and reverb, as well as extensive real-time modulation options.

Special attention has been paid to making the performance controls as rich and responsive as possible, so that the instrument can be realistically played.

Inspirational SoundSets combined with an easy-to-use interface make the LinPlug SaxLab the ideal virtual instrument for musicians wanting to emulate real saxophones.

The main features of SaxLab 2 are:
High-Quality Soundsets for bass, baritone, tenor, alto and soprano saxophone.
Monophonic with "real sax" behaviour.
Adjustable mix of the "Air" layer, the "Keys" layer and the main tonal layer.
User-definable, velocity-sensitive amplitude envelope.
Tonal characteristics of the instrument's overall sound are user definable.
Real-time control of amplitude, brightness and the "roaring" of the sound.
Three modes of mono performance: Legato, Retrigger and Alternate.
Separate control of Up/Down PitchBend and Scoop.
Adjustable pitch, air and body frequency deviation per note.
Envelope, LFO and MIDI-controlled vibrato and tremolo.
Specialized Stereo Chorus and Stereo Reverb effects.
Full Micro Tuning capability (loads TUN files).
MIDI Learn available for every control.
Sample accurate timing, full automation and settings are saved with the song.


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