M.I.A. Mission In Asia (2011/ENG/RIP)

M.I.A. Mission In Asia (2011/ENG/RIP)
M.I.A. Mission In Asia (2011/ENG/RIP)
Year: 2011 | English | PC | Developer : Burut | Publisher : Game Factory Interactive
Genre : Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Size: 1,67 GB | Host: DuckLoad (800Mb Parts)

Tensions rose on the border Slaven. Secret Service Primorye is subversion on a large scale and stolkivaetsya with the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia. FSC receives information that one of the FSB agents had been recruited by the secret service of Primorye. While attempting to arrest the traitor escapes and hides in the Slaven. Whereas the armed conflict between the parties in the area and a delicate situation, it was decided to eliminate a traitor. Special Agent of the Federal Security Service aims to accomplish the mission, but the situation has an unexpected twist, and our hero is to rely only on themselves ...

- Intricate spy story that reveals one of the main reasons for the well-known conflict
- Restoration of real clashes: Defense Base peacekeepers, a cover for fire evacuation of civilians, destruction of plants GRAD
- Tactical AI opponents
- 6 large-scale locations
- Real War of the XXI century without cliches and censorship

Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows® XP/Vista/7
CPU: 2.8 GHz Pentium® IV/Athlon® 2800
Video: 256MB DirectX compatible
Sound: DirectX compatible
Hard Drive: 6GB free
DirectX®: 9.0c

Recomment requirements:
- Operating system: Microsoft ® Windows ® XP / Windows ® Vista / Windows ® 7even
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon 64 2800
- Memory: 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista / 7)
- Video: 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX ® 9.0 and supports Pixel Shader 2.0 (Nvidia GeForce 6800 or better)
- Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c
- Free hard drive space: 5 GB
- Additional software: DirectX 9.0c or DirectX 10
- Controls: A keyboard and mouse

Features RIP'a:
- The basis is taken from the license - Burut -
- Audio quality 100%
- Video quality 100%
- Cut all languages ​​other than English (voice interface and English)
- Nothing is converted

Install.bat'ı çalıştırın ve dosyaların ayıklanmasını bekleyin. Ardından oluşturulan kısa yol ile oyuna başlayabilirsiniz.
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M.I.A. Mission In Asia (2011/ENG/RIP)

Download ~ 1,67 GB

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